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:: Welcome to the JavaScript Files ::

dIvInFo JavaScript Files - Adding new files continuously... Our goal is NOT to gather as many Java script as possible. We aim at presenting a solid and powerful collection to our visitors. We're accordingly trying to keep ourselves updated towards current Java development, and will add scripts to these pages continuously.

If you've created or found a script and would like others to see it, please don't hesitate to visit our submit-a-script page.
Once approved, your script will be posted in the most suitable category with all of your credits remaining.

We may change or modify your script, but will not post it without your written consent. Therefore, please remember to leave your email address when submitting a script (we're still not psychic...)!

W H A T ' S    N E W ::

The JavaScript Files are proud to announce that we over the past few months have exceeded 10.000 page views a month!!!

We've also been acknowledged by all major search engines. Feel free to catch up on what Google had to say about us...

Even though we're building traffic, please continue to pass on your fresh code, and other forms of creative pixel madness.

Total downloads from the JavaScript Files: 89319

T O P    T E N    D O W N L O A D S ::

1. images005.zip 6. fungames003.zip
2. password004.zip 7. images008.zip
3. forms018.zip 8. windows014.zip
4. forms017.zip 9. navigation020.zip
5. datetime002.zip 10. fungames013.zip

The following criteria determines the script of the month ::

How easy it is to implement (variables, parameters etc.).
Possibility for modification / alteration / expansion.
Usefulness and uniqueness.
Browser and platform readiness.

S C R I P T    O F    T H E    M O N T H ::

Posted:  07/06/00

Size: 4Kb


Download  [4287]

Title :: Autoexpireing what's new image  Author :: Unknown

Description ::
This great script displays a What's New image alongside your links until a certain date determined by you. So now you'll no longer need to bore yourself with manually editing your pages afterwards...

We aim at always keeping up to date and offer the most ::

Therefore we provide much more than just Javascript. Check out some of our extra services below to see what we're about. If you have a request for the future or tip on how we can improve our website, please don't hesitate to contact us.

O T H E R    R E S O U R C E S    O N    T H I S    S I T E ::

To further explore this site please take the tour to our start page. We're currently working on both a perl/cgi- and a php script page. Meanwhile join our support forum and get all the info and updates you desire...